DARWEN'S Labour councillors will be holding and advice surgery in the town's library on Saturday.

It will take place from 10.30am to 11.30am.

The Blackburn with Darwen borough councillors for Darwen East ward (Katrina Fielding, Martin McCaughran and Matt Gibson), Darwen West ward (Brian Taylor, Dave Smith and Stephanie Brookfield) and Darwen South ward (Matt Jackson and Anthony Shaw) will all be present.

Darwen Town Councillors Jonathan Hamer (Darwen West ward), Julie Dugan, Mark Westall (Darwen East ward), Sue Skipper, Paul O'Garr and Liam Dobson (Darwen South Ward) will also be in attendance.

Residents with any borough or town council related queries or questions are invited to come along.

All are welcome and no appointments are necessary.