A DRINK-driver was kept in custody by police after telling them he was due to leave to work in Australia in a few weeks.

Blackburn magistrates heard the two days in custody had been a “nightmare” for Bradley Kelly and his family.

Kelly, 24, of Rockliffe Lane, Bacup, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.

He was given a conditional discharge for two weeks, banned from driving for 18 months and ordered to pay £85 costs and £26 victim surcharge.

Kelly was told the unusual sentence of a conditional discharge was to reflect the amount of time he had spent in custody.

Leigh Morgan, defending, said her client had no previous convictions and the time spent in custody had been an “absolute nightmare” for him and his parents who were in court to support him.

She said Kelly was a mechanic and had got a job in Australia which he was due to start later this month.

“He hopes he can still go to Australia even with this conviction,” said Miss Morgan. “Two days in custody have given him time to reflect and he doesn’t want to appear in court again.”