Plans to further develop a site of luxury holiday lodges in the Ribble Valley have been refused.

Bosses at Everything Retreat, near Mellor, applied to the borough council to construct a building which would contain three treatment rooms, a reception area, a shower area, and a dedicated space for pilates.

In addition to the new building, the proposal included the creation of a small outdoor swimming pool and hot tub which would be available to guests.

A planning statement said since the opening of the existing wellbeing building, having the meeting room as a multi-function space is impractical.

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It said the applicants are constantly rearranging the room multiple times a day and they have nowhere to move the furniture which means they have to put them outside with sheets over them.

A decision notice from the council said the proposed scale and siting of the building was not considered proportionate to the number of lodges on the site.

It said: “The new building would likely increase the number of non-staying visitors to the site who would be dependent on private motor vehicles given the site’s rural location.

“Furthermore, it would introduce further build form and urbanisation to the detriment of visual amenity.”

The planning statement said: “The proposed development comprises the erection of a modest-sized building which will be constructed from high-quality traditional materials with natural stone walls and a blue slate roof.

“The building will be constructed to the same high standard as the existing wellbeing building and will be sited alongside the existing building which means that the proposed building will be seen as part of a group of buildings and not as an isolated building.

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“The proposed building is relatively small scale and is of an appropriate size to accommodate the three treatment rooms, a WC, a shower, a reception area and a dedicated pilates/exercise space.

“The approval of the proposed development will not generate additional traffic.”

The applicants have six months to appeal the council’s decision if they wish.