A primary school in East Lancashire that is described as 'warm and caring' by Ofsted could be upgraded to 'outstanding', a recent visit found.

Haslingden St James Church of England Primary School, in Regent Street, received an ungraded inspection in April. It is currently rated good by Ofsted.

The inspector's report, published on May 22, said the school has 'established high expectations of its pupils in all areas of their school life'.

It also said the school’s ethos is central to its approach and that pupils rise to meet these expectations. 

The report said: "Pupils fully embrace the school’s central value of kindness.

"They behave well across the school and treat each other and staff with care and respect. As a result, there is a calm, considered and purposeful atmosphere for learning.

"Pupils feel safe at school and are aware of being able to talk to all staff if they have a concern.

"Pupils benefit strongly from an extensive programme of clubs and opportunities.

"These help them to develop their talents and interests, such as a wide range of sporting activities, music and dance clubs."

The report stated the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might be upgraded to 'Outstanding' if a fully graded inspection were carried out.

The school's website says: "We reflect many Christian values and focus on our ‘Core Values’ of endurance, forgiveness, friendship, koinonia, peace, thankfulness and trust.

"We are a safe, loving, supportive, Christian family which values each child’s individuality and uniqueness created in the image of God.

"We nurture the talents given by God to inspire pupils to achieve and foster a sense of awe.

"We aim to provide a stimulating environment in which children are encouraged to strive to do their best in all aspects of their development."