A man who twice assaulted his father has been banned from having contact with his dad for 12 months.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court was told how following the latest offences James Shaw’s dad said the relationship with his son was over.

Shaw, 34, of Brent Street, Burnley, pleaded guilty to two charges of assaulting Steven Shaw and criminal damage to a door belonging to him.

He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with a 25-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

Shaw was also fined £20 with a £114 victim surcharge and made subject to a restraining order for 12 months which prohibits any contact with his dad.

Uzma Kausar, prosecuting, said all the offences occurred in the victim’s home.

On the first occasion, the two men were in the house when Shaw started arguing. He quickly became aggressive and then punched his dad to the side of the face.

The criminal damage happened after Shaw claimed his dad owed him some money.

When he was told that was not the case he clenched his fist and punched a hole in the kitchen door.

The second assault happened after Shaw had been asking his dad for money.

“He became persistent and suddenly attacked his dad who was sitting on the settee,” said Miss Kausar.

“He lunged towards him and started punching and scratching his face.”

Mark Williams, mitigating, said there had been problems in the relationship between Shaw and his father.

“They both have their issues and there are clearly times when their problems come to a head,” said Mr Williams.

“Since January he has been on court bail not to contact his father or go to his address and he has complied.”