A man who exposed his genitals during a row with a vulnerable individual 'thought it was funny'.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard the victim, who lived in supported accommodation, was also shown Darren Cain’s backside on April 26.

The court was told the incident was witnessed by the social worker of the aggrieved, who said Cain was 'laughing all the time' and 'thought it was funny'.

Cain, 52, of Frederick Street, Accrington, pleaded guilty to indecent exposure.

He was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report before he is sentenced for the sexual offence, which is due to take place on May 30.

Susheela Regala, prosecuting, said the complainant had been to the shop with his social worker and when they returned Cain was outside the supported accommodation.

“There was an argument and the defendant dropped his trousers and got his penis out,” said Miss Regalia.

“He then turned his backside towards the other man and spread his bottom cheeks.”

Kimberley Morton, in mitigation, said there had been some ongoing problems between the two men, who lived on the same street.

“He says he was being laughed at and the social worker, in his statement, said initially it wasn’t clear who was threatening who,” added Miss Morton.