Staff at a Burnley nursery have been praised for developing children’s communication and language skills, in an inspection.

Rockwood Nursery School is based Kingsland Road and caters for 117 pupils. The inspection was conducted in March and the school was deemed ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted.

A report revealed ‘children are happy’ and ‘receive a warm welcome’. 

It said: “Children confidently say goodbye to their parents and carers at the beginning of sessions. They quickly become immersed in the many engaging activities on offer. 

“They know that caring staff will help them to play and explore. The school has high expectations for all children’s achievements. This includes children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Most children achieve well. 

“However, in some areas of learning, the school has not specified the key knowledge that children should learn. 

“This means that, sometimes, children do not have the opportunity to learn all that they should. 

“Children understand simple rules and follow the routines of the school. Staff skilfully provide support for children who forget to follow the rules and be kind to their friends. 

“Two-year-olds play happily alongside each other. They learn to share and take turns. Children access a variety of educational experiences that enrich their wider development. 

“They take part in outdoor activities, such as painting and planting vegetables in the school grounds. 

“Children learn to care for living things, for example chicks and caterpillars. These rich opportunities help children to learn more about the natural world and to develop new interests.”

The school said that staff ‘carefully review children’s learning’. 

The report said: “For instance, staff use the two-year-old progress check of children’s development to identify any early signs of concerns about individual children. This helps staff to know what to teach next. 

“The school places a sharp focus on developing children’s communication and language. Singing can be heard everywhere. 

“Children take part in singing and rhymes with gusto. In the main, staff make story time interesting, such as by reading books with enthusiasm and enjoyment. 

“Staff regularly check how well children are developing in their communication and language. They provide focused support for children who may be at risk of not keeping up.

“The school has thought carefully about children’s wider development. Children benefit from educational trips and visits, for example walks in the park, visiting a farm and live theatre performances. 

“Children learn to respect the differences between people and communities. They learn that school rules are there to keep them safe. These experiences prepare children well for life in modern Britain.”