A 'real-life' Gladiator faced off with a Bishop last weekend as a Lancashire Church of England Deanery area came alive for three days of mission from Friday to Sunday.

Chorley and the surrounding area was the setting for a range of community activities for all ages, at which the message of 'hope in Jesus Christ' was front and centre.  

The special guest for the ‘Come and See Mission’ was real-life ‘classic’ Gladiator ‘Ace’, Warren Furman, who appeared in the original TV series.

At a youth event held on Saturday evening at St Michael’s High School, Warren brought along all his gladiator fighting gear, including a giant inflatable red and black battle arena.

Bishop Philip and fellow episcopal colleagues Rt Rev. Dr Jill Duff, Bishop of Lancaster, alongside retired Bishop Tony Porter, were at many of the events across the weekend to support local parishes.

The Church of England in Lancashire is split into 14 Deanery areas and dedicated people in churches at all four points of Chorley Deanery, from Mawdesley to Heapey and Whittle-le-Woods to Standish worked hard at the event.

Warren Furman was one of the original Gladiators ‘Ace’ in the original 90s TV series.

He became a Christian in the years after leaving the show and now speaks all over the country at Christian events, sharing his faith story.

He said: “These days I am a Gladiator for God and I love nothing more than sharing the good news of Jesus Christ as I know he has the power to transform lives as he did with my life.

“I was so excited to have been invited to participate in the ‘Come and See Mission’."

Bishop Philip added: “Thanks to everyone in Chorley Deanery who made the weekend such a great success.

"It was great to take on Warren in the gladiatorial arena alongside the young people and to be involved in many more events across the weekend.

“As we approach our centenary year in 2026 people across the County are going to hear about more and more missions like this being arranged by our parishes; with brilliant events for all ages.

“We are excited to have fun and experience the joy of coming together as communities of course but even more excited to be sharing the gospel message of hope in Jesus Christ with the people of Lancashire.”

Lancashire Telegraph:

Highlights of the Come and See Mission included:

  • Visits to local schools by Ace and a mission team, including St Michael’s High School in Chorley, during the day on Friday and on Saturday evening.
  • Quizzes in many churches across the Deanery on Friday evening.
  • Men’s breakfast event with Ace and Bishop Philip on Saturday morning at Shevington Parish Centre
  • Kids and families events at St John’s Whittle
  • Craft events at Charnock Richard and Euxton parishes
  • A live 60s band ‘La Bamba’ at St Peter’s Chorley, followed by hotpot supper
  • Special mission weekend services were held on Sunday morning across Chorley Deanery. The whole weekend then culminated in a Deanery Celebration Service at Coppull Parish Church.

Reflecting on the three days Area Dean of Chorley, Rev. Jo Smith, who is also the Vicar of Euxton Parish said: “It was wonderful to come together across our many churches for the Come and See Mission.

"Our parishioners invited family and friends to hear about Jesus and his love for us from a variety of wonderful speakers.

“We are grateful to all who supported the weekend in any way and look forward now to hearing stories of lives changed after powerful preaching including from Warren Furman, who was ‘Ace’ in every possible way, and also from our Bishops.”