Conservatives in an East Lancs borough have rejected accusations they showed a ‘dereliction of duty’ last year, by leaving a borough council accounts committee.

And Tories in Pendle they say they would now consider returning because the finances have changed.

Two Conservatives said their professions as accountants meant they had to distance themselves last year from other parties’ decisions which, they claimed, risked pushing the council towards bankruptcy.

But after this month’s local elections and what the Conservatives describe as changed financial circumstances at Pendle Council, they say they would take their seats again on the important Audit & Account Committee.

Conservative allocations were raised in discussions about the political balance of all committees and which parties should get influential committee chairman roles following the elections.

Chairman roles for the next 12 months were proposed for Ruby Anwar, Mohmmed Adnan, Yvonne Tennant, Chris Church, David Whipp and Brian Newman.  They are Independents or Liberal Democrats. Other committee members are to be confirmed.

Regarding the audit and accounts committee chairman role, Lib-Dem Cllr David Whipp said: “Last year, the roles first went to the Conservatives but they gave them up for spurious reasons. It was utterly inappropriate because it was a dereliction of duty. However, Ruby Anwar then was an exemplary chairwoman.”

But Conservative Cllr David Cockburn-Price said: “I was the accounts and audit chairman when there was an aim to balance the budget. My ‘spurious’ reason for standing down was the shared administration had no intention of protecting a balanced budget then. For professional reasons, I stood down. Professional institutes’ guidance must be followed.”

He added: “The new 2024-25 budget is balanced because of the impact of interest rates. However challenges lie ahead. I would be prepared to join the committee again. But is there an intention to really deal with things?”

Lib-Dem Cllr Tom Whipp said: “A councillor’s responsibility is to attend meetings, do work and tend to the issues this council has. To stand away from that is a dereliction of duty.”

But Conservative Cllr Martyn Stone, also an accountant, said: “Some Lib-Dems have no idea about professional institutes.

"As  professionals, we are responsible for dealing with public money. We take advice from professional standards bodies. If we felt the council was not appropriately safeguarding public funds then we should consider our roles.”

He added: “We are prepared to take our seats this year.  Last year, we felt it would be inappropriate and, from our professional roles, a dereliction of duty to see the council drift towards bankruptcy.”

The Lib-Dems rejected any suggestions the council had ‘drifted towards bankruptcy’ last year.

Cllr David Whipp said the Tories previously took £1.2m from council reserves when in power – the highest of any Lancashire district at the time, he said.

He also claimed Tory comments about bankruptcy risks were ‘a slur’ on council officers. Looking to this year, he hoped Conservatives would turn up at meetings and "be an effective group to make sure the council is well-run".