A Darwen-based business completed their annual two-hour walk to the summit of the famous Jubilee Tower on the moors above the town.

The hike was in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Week, embracing this year’s theme of ‘movement’ and encouraging team members to spend time prioritising their mental health.

Mental Health Awareness Week, which took place from May 13 to 19, has been an annual focus for Hakim Group in Darwen for several years.

On Thursday, May 16, the team continued their tradition with a two-hour walk from the office to local historical monument, Darwen Tower - around four miles in total.

Teams from Hakim Group HQ, which represents independent opticians across the UK and Ireland, have undertaken several walks in recent years around the Darwen area to encourage team members to take a wellness break and spend some time in nature.

In further aid of mental health support across the local community, Hakim Group partnered with Lancashire-based Shine Coaching, which strives to provide support and give resolutions to men who are dealing with stress, anger and conflict in their daily lives.

It provides group walks to those battling with mental health, creating a safe environment and helping people to build connections in their local area.

Founder of Shine Coaching, Lian Frankland, said: “We’ve found that when it comes to mental health, nature and exercise can be excellent healers.

"It provides a space that is calming as well as giving us a break from the stress and worries of everyday life.

“Taking time to recuperate, immersing yourself in nature and embracing the power of movement is important for everybody’s mental health and wellbeing.”

Nick Lowe, head of communications at Hakim Group, said: “We’ve always felt very strongly about mental health awareness and our team continues to pull together every year for this cause.

“Just taking a couple of hours out of our day to come together and spend time in the beautiful landscapes right outside our window is so important and allows us to truly pause and reflect.”