A man who was "very hopeful to go into rehabilitation" for his drinking problems died choking on his own vomit, an inquest has heard.

Anthony Lee Hart, 39, was diagnosed with schizophrenia years before his death on Wednesday, February 21.

Accrington Town Hall heard that Anthony was found dead with a 'cover over his head' after his family had become concerned that he missed a routine phone call that day.

Emergency services attended his address at Lowerhouse Lane, Burnley, and pronounced him dead at the scene.

The court heard that Anthony was known to mental health services such as Inspire, had seen his GP about his alcohol addiction for months, and was "very hopeful to go into rehabilitation".

Toxicology reports were read out and said that Anthony had choked due to aspiration from liver disease caused by his alcoholism. 

The court heard liver disease and excessive drinking can cause issues with swallowing and breathing causing choking and aspiration. 

His family told the court that he began to drink alcohol as a way of self-medicating for his schizophrenia and the voices he heard in his head.

They said that Anthony thought he was being poisoned and could hear voices in his head, and that mental health services could have done more to help his schizophrenia which caused the alcohol issues.

His sister, Stacey Marie, told the court: "This is the battle-axe we have had with the mental health team.

"He was diagnosed with schizophrenia before he had issues with alcohol. He had lots of time without needing to drink, holding a job down and looking after his young son Thomas.

"But they massively let him down when he got sectioned, as they let him go, saying he had mental capacity and there were not enough beds.

"If they hadn't let him go, we would all not be in this position we are today."

Coroner Richard Taylor told Anthony's family whilst he aims for families to get their questions answered at inquests, Anthony's case is one that cannot be answered.

He gave a narrative conclusion of death and said: "This is by no means straightforward. But this is sadly what the disease has led to.

"I record that Anthony Lee Hart died at his home from liver disease having choked.

"My sincere condolences for your loss."