A woman who was trying to play peacemaker ended up being assaulted by a man.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard the victim was pushed to the floor by Luke Gorton before he spat in her eye.

Gorton, 39, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to assault and to possession of a cut-throat razor in Reed Street, Burnley, on a separate occasion, on October 4.

He was jailed for 26 weeks, and District Judge Alexandra Preston said the assault had been a nasty and very unpleasant incident.

“Spitting is absolutely disgusting and I think is calculated to humiliate,” she said.

Scott Parker, prosecuting, said the victim of the assault had been out with a male friend and they were in Yorkshire Street at around 1am when they were approached by three men.

“She sensed something was going to happen and Gorton confronted her companion and he pushed the other man,” said Mr Parker.

“She put herself between them and the defendant spat at her, the spittle landing on her coat.”

Mr Parker said Gorton then pushed the female to the floor and spat on her again. This time the spittle landed in her eye.

He said on the other occasion Gorton had been stopped in Reed Street and the barber-style cut-throat razor was found in his pocket.

David Lawson, in mitigation, said his client had been homeless for some time and was not in good health.

“At the time of the search when the razor was discovered he was wearing two coats and the blade was inside the inner coat,” said Mr Lawson.

“There was no suggestion it had been brandished.”