A man suffered serious fractures after being kicked down a flight of stairs during an argument at a property in Colne.

The victim and the defendant, Jamie Ellerton, were living at a guest house in Albert Road when the incident happened on November 17, 2021.

Prosecuting at Burnley Crown Court, Amanda Johnson said the victim was in the living room with a friend when Ellerton arrived at the house.

Ellerton began banging on the man’s bedroom door, believing him to be in there, before the man went upstairs to see what was going on.

Ellerton said to the victim, ‘What have you been saying to Gillian [the house manager]? Why have you been saying I’ve been taking drugs in this place?’, before grabbing the man by the wrists.

He twisted the man's left wrist before kicking him in the chest, causing him to fall down the full flight of stairs.

Lancashire Telegraph: Burnley Magistrates' Court, where the case was heard as a Crown Court hearingBurnley Magistrates' Court, where the case was heard as a Crown Court hearing (Image: Archive)

The fear the victim was in caused him to urinate, and when Ellerton met him at the bottom of the stairs, he punched him and said ‘Have you p****d your pants? That’s what you get for being a grass'.

An ambulance was called though before it arrived, Ellerton appeared again and told the victim: ‘I know people who can make you disappear. I’m a top man.’

The victim was taken to Royal Blackburn Hospital where he was treated for multiple fractures to his forearm and left shoulder.

He also developed carpal tunnel syndrome following surgery, which required another procedure.

After numerous other surgeries, the victim said in his statement he ended up cutting the cast off himself due to increased anxiety and has not been back to the hospital since.

Ellerton, 33, of Albert Road, Colne, has 12 previous convictions for 17 offences, including four assault offences.

Charles Brown, mitigating, said it was not Ellerton’s intention for the victim to fall and be injured anything like the way he was.

In sentencing, Judge Sara Dodd said: “Your behaviour on that date was, I think as you now appreciate, wholly unacceptable.

“You twisted his wrist and in effect kicked him down the stairs.

“You further assaulted him and degraded him, making unpleasant comments while he must have been in a significant amount of pain.”

Ellerton was sentenced to 14 months in prison, suspended for 12 months.

He must also complete 80 hours of unpaid work and 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days.