A man from Blackburn has been diagnosed with inoperable cancer and his family is organising one final party for him.

Ian Kershaw-Calvert, better known as Cally, has stage four cancer. In October last year, he was told that he may only have 12 to 18 months to live.

Cally, who has lived in the Shadsworth area for all his life, was first diagnosed with cancer in 2021 after going to hospital with a blockage in his bowel.

He beat cancer but it returned two years later.

Lancashire Telegraph: Ian Kershaw-Calvert (right) with wife PamIan Kershaw-Calvert (right) with wife Pam (Image: Carrie Charnley)His daughter Carrie Charnley, 34, said the last few months have been a “rollercoaster” of emotions.

She said: “Last year he fell ill and was told that the cancer had returned. In October we were told that it was inoperable.

“He is undergoing chemotherapy to try and shrink the tumour and prolong his life.

“The last few months have been a rollercoaster. Dad has such a dark sense of humour so he has been walking around with a ‘dead man walking’ t-shirt on.”

Carrie and her cousin, Kirstie Duckworth, are now organising a big family party and have set up a fundraiser to help with costs.

Any extra money raised will go towards events and experiences for Cally and his family.

Carrie said: “He is known for his parties and he used to have them all the time, for birthdays, Christmas and beyond.

Lancashire Telegraph: Ian Kershaw-Calvert (left) with grandson Noel MooreIan Kershaw-Calvert (left) with grandson Noel Moore (Image: Carrie Charnley)“Kirstie and I were saying we wanted one last party, one last ‘blowout’, and he agreed to it.

"We are a big family with a big friend circle and we all want to be there for him.”

The party is set to take place on July 20, at the Audley Working Men’s Club. Around 100 people are set to turn up.

Carrie said her dad is an “amazing man” who has done a lot for the community.

In the past he has helped deliver food to vulnerable families across Blackburn and he also helped to organise an annual mini-festival in Shadsworth, the Romney Walk Festival, for the community to enjoy.

Carrie said: “He is just amazing and he has done so much for the community.

“He is a great role model and the first person to help someone wherever he can, even when he has very little money himself.

“He is a great role model for his grandchildren, who adore him.”

£850 has been raised on the GoFundMe page so far. 

Carrie said: “It’s amazing that so much has been raised and we have already been able to cover the full cost of the party.  This is great as it is one less thing to stress about.

“He is looking forward to it, dad loves a good party

“The rest of the money will allow us to make precious memories with Dad in the short time that we have.”

The GoFundMe can be found by searching ‘Cally’s Feck Cancer Party’.