A new job-creating industrial unit on a piece of 'untidy' vacant land along Blackburn's Roman Road can go ahead.

Ciceley Commercials Limited will construct the building including offices to meet local demand.

The unit will be on a 'brownfield' site, previously developed land which already has approval for vehicle storage.

The company has now been granted planning permission with 24 conditions by Blackburn with Darwen Council for its scheme.

They include restricted hours of operation of 7am to 8pm and the developer's contribution of £30,000 towards the implementation of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, improvement of the Weavers Wheel and the footpath link between Milking Lane and Davyfield Road, and the installation of tactile paving across the site access road in Roman Road.

The firm's application for planning permission in June said the unit was 'designed to meet local demand for commercial units within the area providing employment and economic opportunities'.

A report recommending approval by planning officer Jamie Edwards says: "The application site relates to a vacant parcel of land positioned to the west of Roman Road.

"It previously formed part of a larger land holding associated with a former Royal Ordnance Factory (ROF) use that closed in 2002 and was demolished shortly after.

"It currently comprises of largely overgrown vegetation, several trees along the western boundary, a section of hardstanding and is enclosed by a circa two-metre high wire mesh fence.

"Soft landscaping / mature planting is proposed along the Roman Road (eastern) which will soften the massing of the development and will improve the aesthetics of the site and street scene.

"The redevelopment of this brownfield site which currently possesses an untidy outlook will therefore be a positive contribution to the area.

"The site lies within a Primary Employment Area with industrial and commercial premises to the east, south and west.

"To the immediate north is land within the ownership of the applicant that is used as a vehicle sales, repair and storage depot.

"The site has recently benefitted from planning permission for a change of use to vehicle storage

"Planning permission is sought for the construction of one industrial unit providing approximately 2,050 square metres of floor space with ancillary office space, associated parking and landscaping.

The building is to be finished in a range of external materials with a combination of engineered brick, wall panelling, black cladding and aluminium detailing. "Such materials are not considered to be unsympathetic, and thus the proposal will assimilate with its immediate surrounding."