A WOMAN has been hospitalised after a 'Brazilian butt lift' went wrong at a Glasgow hotel.

An investigation has been launched into the incident and the public warned about the dangers of “pop-up” cosmetic clinics operating in the city.

Inspections are being carried out at clinics in Glasgow offering these services and practitioners have been warned they will face action if they are found to be acting illegally.

The council issued the warning as it said people are travelling to Glasgow to carry out cosmetic work in places not intended for such purposes.

Councillor Ruairi Kelly, convener of neighbourhood services, said: “Demand for these types of procedures is high and we are also finding that practitioners are travelling around the UK to hold pop-up clinics in locations that are not suitable for this type of treatment.

“Environmental Health is currently investigating a recent incident where a woman was hospitalised after undergoing a Brazilian butt lift procedure in a Glasgow hotel.

“People need to be extremely careful when considering undergoing cosmetic procedures.

“If they go wrong – the consequences can be painful, disfiguring and require emergency medical treatment.

“Our Environmental Health officers are carrying out inspections of aesthetic clinics in the city to help safeguard the public and will continue to take enforcement action when required.”

The council has issued guidance to anyone planning to have an aesthetic procedure.

They should "carry out research to identify reputable clinics employing competent aesthetic practitioners, who are sufficiently trained and have the necessary qualifications to carry out your procedure safely".

The guidance continues: "Ensure the premises where your procedure is taking place are clean and tidy and that suitable cleaning & disinfection of work surfaces and equipment is taking place. For example, a hotel meeting room would not be deemed a suitable environment for aesthetic procedures."