The council has taken action after graffiti, an apparent reference to the war between Gaza and Israel, was painted on a building in Colne this week.

A picture, shared by councillor Ash Sutcliffe, shows ‘Boycott Israel’ painted on a chipboard wall panel, on the outside of a building.

A spokesperson for the council said they have tracked down the building owner and took “swift action” to remove the graffiti.

It has been painted over, using anti-vandal paint, which is hoped will deter vandals from targeting the spot again.

David Walker, assistant director of operational services at Pendle Council, said: “We managed to track down the building owner quickly and I would like to thank them for their swift action in removing the graffiti.

“They have used anti-vandal paint which should reduce the risk of the covered areas being repainted.”

Punishments for anti-social behaviour

According to the Government website, you can get a civil injunction, community protection notice (CPN) or criminal behaviour order (CBO) as punishment for anti-social behaviour, which includes vandalism and graffiti.

A court may give you a civil injunction or a CPN if it gets reports of persistent antisocial behaviour from the police, a council or a landlord. You can only get a CBO if you’ve been convicted of a crime.

You can get a civil injunction or CBO if you’re aged 10 or over and a CPN if you’re 16 or over.

How long it lasts

The court will tell you how long you have to follow the rules.

There’s no maximum amount of time a CPN can last.

How long civil injunctions and CBOs can last depends on your age.

If you’re under 18:

  • a civil injunction can last for up to 12 months
  • a CBO lasts between 12 months and 3 years

There’s no maximum amount of time if you’re 18 or over. If you have a CBO it’ll be reviewed every year and either stopped or extended.

If you don’t follow the rules

The punishment for not following your civil injunction is:

  • a three month detention order if you’re under 18
  • up to two years’ imprisonment or unlimited fine if you’re 18 or over

The punishment for not following your CPN is a fine between £100 and £2,500.

The punishment for not following your CBO is:

  • up to two years in a detention centre if you’re under 18
  • up to five years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) if you’re 18 or over