Police and fire crews descended on a flats complex after a 'concern for welfare' this afternoon. 

Emergency services turned out en masse to Deakins Mill Way at around 3.45pm. 

It is understood they were called to a concern for welfare, but that no one was harmed. 

Pictures show numerous fire and police vehicles around the flats in Deakins Mill Way, as well as firefighters on the rooftops. 

Fire vehicles that attended included Technical Response Units, cranes and fire engines. 

One eyewitness said he saw around "seven" fire engines in the area. 

He said: "I saw seven fire engines go up Deakins Mill Way in Egerton. 

"Police and fire engines went down, I have never seen anything like it."

The witness said that he saw it at around 3.45pm, or "maybe a little longer ago". 

Greater Manchester Police has been contacted for comment on this incident.