A woman was helped by Rossendale and Pendle Mountain Rescue after falling over in the mud.

At around midday on Sunday, March 17, the team was called to reports a woman had a suspected broken ankle on the River Ribble.

Due to the recent rainfall, the ground was soaked through and boggy.

The mountain rescue team made their way 800 meters upstream to a woman who had slipped in mud and was in pain.

After an initial assessment, the woman was given pain relief and her ankle was splinted.

She was transported across 800 meters of land to meet the ambulance.

A spokesperson for Rossendale and Pendle Mountain Rescue said: “The location was familiar to many of the team as it was just upstream from a popular site where we do some of our water training. Due to the recent rainfall, the ground was soaked through and boggy was an understatement.

“Members hastily made their way some 800 meters upstream to find a small group out for the day and a lady having slipped in the mud in pain.

“After an initial assessment, the casualty carers on scene administered pain relief and splinted the ankle.

“Once settled, everyone teamed together and using our specialist ‘big wheel’ to help the stretcher carry, we [travelled] over land some 800m to meet the ambulance at the road head and do a handover.

“We wish the lady a speedy recovery from all the team.

“It was then back to base to clean down the kit, restock vehicles and then back home to the family and weekend plans.”