A man who was so drunk he thought he was ‘possessed’ was punched in the mouth and lost his front teeth after climbing over someone’s fence, causing £1,500 worth of damage.

Raymond Padden, 23, then went on to abuse police officers as they tried to arrest him, before kicking one of them in the groin while he was waiting to be seen about his teeth at Burnley General Hospital.

Padden had been kicked out by his parents and had turned to alcohol to mask his problems, Burnley Crown Court heard.

On June 24, 2023, joiner Mark Haighton was called by his sister who told him there was a man standing outside his property in Accrington, kicking the door and headbutting the window.

Prosecuting, Paul Brookwell told the court: “He returned home and spotted a man, the defendant, in the back alley.

“There was a chase, and a confrontation and Mr Haighton punched the defendant a couple of times before waiting for the police to arrive.

“There are clips taken from a mobile phone showing Padden climbing the fence and it can clearly be seen that the defendant was under the influence of something, it can be seen in the manner in which he moves and walks and then falls over and lies on the floor.”

Mr Brookwell said the damage caused to Mr Haighton’s fence after Padden jumped over it was £1,500.

The court heard that when police arrived at the scene and arrested Padden, his mouth was bleeding.

Padden then became abusive and threatening in nature towards the officer, with Mr Brookwell saying the 23-year-old, “used every type of abusive word and slur he could think of towards the officer at the time”.

Mr Brookwell went on: “He was taken into custody and even while being processed through the custody office he was still being abusive.

“He had some bruising and swelling to the back of his ears and the decision was made to take him to A&E at Burnley General.”

Padden continued to abuse the officers as they escorted him to the hospital and when he asked to use the bathroom at around 10.30pm he lashed out at one of the officers and kicked him in the groin.

Mr Brookwell said: “That behaviour occurred in a public area in hospital while he was clearly under the influence.”

Padden, of Spring Street, Accrington, pleaded guilty to criminal damage and assault of an emergency worker.

The court was told he committed these offences while subject to a suspended sentence order, which he received in 2021 for affray, assault by beating, and cannabis offences which occurred in 2020 when he was a youth.

Jimmy Vakil, in mitigation for Padden, said his client had thought Mr Haighton’s property belonged to his auntie and climbed over the fence thinking it was his auntie’s home.

He said: “He is deeply ashamed of what he did. He lost his front teeth after being punched by Mr Haighton, which has left him extremely self-conscious.”

Taking to the witness stand to speak with Judge Sara Dodd, Padden said: “I was using alcohol as an escape as I was homeless at the time.

“When I saw the footage, it looked like I was possessed. I was embarrassed about it. That’s not me, that’s not how I am usually.

“I was homeless at the time as I’d fallen out with my mum and dad, and they’d kicked me out.

“I do struggle with alcohol, but that is not the person I am. I damaged that man’s property and that is unacceptable and not right.

“I thought it was my auntie’s house, she witnessed everything. She also has a fence like that.

“I was drinking to escape, but I’m seeking help from Inspire, although they've not given me an appointment yet.

“The last thing I want is to go to prison, this will never happen again.”

For the criminal damage and assault of emergency worker offences Judge Dodd handed Padden two months in prison suspended for 18 months.

For breaching his original suspended sentence order, she handed him six months in prison suspended for 12 months.

Padden must also complete 35 rehabilitation activity days.