A Blackburn charity has launched its annual Easter egg campaign, aiming to give away hundreds of chocolate treats to disadvantaged children in the town.

Each year Secret Santa, formed in 2017 by Phil and Karen Boulding, aims to donate 1,000 Easter eggs to families who are struggling family, disabled, or hospitalised.

To meet their target the charity, based in The Mall on King William Street, is appealing for chocolate egg donations.

Phil, managing director of the charity, said: “Each year we aim to give away 1,000 Easter eggs to our local children, whether they are from a struggling family, disabled, or hospitalised, we will support them all.

Lancashire Telegraph: Easter eggs donated to Secret Santa Phil BouldingEaster eggs donated to Secret Santa Phil Boulding (Image: Phil Boulding)

“Such a simple thing as an Easter egg can mean the world to a child that doesn’t get one. We feel it’s important to help a child feel included and show that they really aren’t different and likely to be left out.”

According to Phil, many eggs have already been donated by generous individuals.

Phil said: “The support we have seen so far has been wonderful. Anthony and Leah Riley donated enough money for around a third of the eggs that we need. Just brilliant.

“Another group, Still Shining run by Brenda and Frank Bunyan, donated around 100 eggs.

Lancashire Telegraph: Phil and Karen BouldingPhil and Karen Boulding (Image: Archive)

“Olly McGloughlin popped into the shop with his spending money to help. But we have a way to go yet, so any help our supporters are able to offer will make a wonderful difference to our local children. Thanks in advance for your kindnesses.”

Secret Santa aims to make a difference all year round by supporting the local community, with gifts at Christmas, Easter, Eid al-Fitr and beyond. The charity also provides toys for the children during the summer holiday and supports the elderly and lonely.

You can drop an egg off at their shop on King William Street. The charity is also accepting monetary donations via its JustGiving page entitled ‘weʼre raising £1,500 to give 1,000 local disadvantaged, disabled and hospitalised children an Easter egg’.