One man has been arrested after a spate of burglaries and incidents of vehicle crime in Baxenden.

Police said despite the arrest they do not believe all the incidents are related and would still urge people to be cautious and vigilant.  

Residents are asked to keep properties and vehicles locked and secured and consider investing in CCTV.

A spokesperson for Hyndburn police said: “What we have found, is that the number of incidents reported to us does not match the amount we believe to have actually occurred. 

“We believe this due to posts seen on social media, from local residents, implying suspicious activity has occurred but may not have been reported.

“If you believe anything suspicious to have occurred, or have any CCTV footage that captures such activity, please do get in touch so this can be obtained.

"As explained, this will greatly help our investigation and will enable us to plot accurately when and where such activity is occurring. 

“You can contact us by either contacting your local officers directly or ringing 101 or reporting online.

"However, if you believe there to be an ongoing live incident, please do ring 999 and patrols can be deployed in an attempt to apprehend them.”