Decisions on a controversial housing estate and unauthorised alterations to a heritage-listed hotel have been deferred by Burnley Council's development control committee.

This month's meeting had been recommended to approve both planning applications.

Developer Applethwaite Ltd is seeking permission to build 36 houses (10 three bedroom and 26 four bedroom) on the site of part of the former reservoir at the west end of Heckenhurst Avenue in Brownshide.

The 3.8 acre site is currently open grazing fields.

The proposal generated objections from Worsthorne Parish Council and 16 nearby residents.

Consideration was deferred by members to a future meeting to seek further information from consultees and the applicant.

The meeting had also been due to debate the addition of two electric awnings, a sign and three air-conditioning units to the Georgian Lawrence Hotel in Church Street, Padiham, without planning approval or listed building consent.

After a Burnley Council investigation the owner applied for backdated permission for the alterations.

The item was withdrawn by officers and will come back to a future meeting.