A key stage of the £20 million makeover of Blackburn's 1950's Shadsworth Estate - the upgrade of its park and play areas - is set for the go-ahead next week.

Councillors have been recommended to approve the scheme to reinstate its children's play area, replace it Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA), and revamp its skate park.

Together Housing Group is in the middle of a total revamp of the former council estate.

Tired old housing is being demolished and replaced with new properties and a brand new youth hub built.

As part of the improvements the main Shadsworth Park off Rothesay Road is to be refurbished.

On Thursday Blackburn with Darwen Council.has been recommended to approve Together's application for the play upgrade for land bounded by Dunoon Drive, Bute Road, and the Shadsworth Hub in Rothesay Road with nine conditions.

A report to councillors says: "This application is presented to the committee given that the application has been made on land in the ownership of the council.

"The proposed development involves various works to the existing Shadsworth Park, to be delivered through three phases.

"The development is being funded through the Government’s Youth Investment Fund (YIF).

"The overall aim is to upgrade play provision and improve both hard and soft landscaping.

"The upgrades include,but are not limited to; the replacement of the existing MUGA, fencing and surfacing; provision of new swings, slides, roundabout and other play equipment; new skate/scoot park ramps and equipment; and new street furniture.

"The proposals represent significant public realm improvements and provide improved play opportunities for children and families within the locality.

"The park has a man-made undulating land-form, predominantly covered by grass.

"The area contains existing children’s play facilities including an enclosed MUGA, skate park and play equipment.

"The proposed development involves various works to the existing public park area to improve and expand its facilities.

"The proposals can be grouped in to five broad areas.

"Firstly the replacement of the existing MUGA facility.

"Second, the upgrade and expansion of the existing skate and scoot park facilities including new surfacing and ramps.

"Third, improved facilities and dedicated area for young children play including the provision of new sunken trampoline, swings, accessible roundabout and slides.

"Fourth, new street furniture and hard landscaping, including upgrade of the existing boundary fencing.

"Finally, remodelling and new planting to the retained soft landscaping areas.

"The proposals are intended to meet the recreational needs of children in the locality widening the scope of facilities for younger children and families whilst improving the available provision for older children.

"The proposals represent significant public realm improvements and provide improved play opportunities for children and families within the locality."