Two men turned up at the home of notorious baby murderer Jordan Monaghan demanding to see him, before assaulting his father.

On Sunday, January 19 2020, Muhibur Rohman, 23, of Evelyn Street, Burnley, and Muhammed Miah, 23, of Burns Street, Burnley, drove to their victim John Monaghan's address in Belgrave Close, Blackburn.

Preston Crown Court heard that at 11pm, Rohman and Miah parked up outside Jordan Monaghan's house where his parents, John and Yvonne also lived.

In 2021, Jordan Monaghan was jailed for life with a minimum term of 40 years for murdering his daughter Ruby in 2013, when she was just 24 days old, before killing his son Logan, then 21 months old, that same year. He later murdered his then-girlfriend Evie Adams.

The incident involving Rohman and Miah occurred prior to Monaghan's trial.

Prosecutor Michael Goldwater told the court Rohman and Miah, who were both wearing their hoods of their jackets up, kicked parts of the door down, shouting for Jordan Monaghan, who rang the police and went upstairs to warn John and Yvonne they should stay in their bedrooms.

However, when John Monaghan got dressed and went downstairs to defend the home, Rohman and Miah assaulted him by kicking him and using a undisclosed weapon on him.

Mr and Mrs Monaghan told the police they believed the defendants had a Taser during the assault, as they saw small blue and white lights flash during the altercation.

After the assaults, the defendants drove off in their cars, including a BMW which a member of the public filmed and handed a video of to the police.

Police stopped the men in the car some time later, and found DNA samples of John Monaghan on them, which led to their arrest.

Miah's mobile phone was confiscated by the police and showed evidence of talking about using a Taser.

Rohman and Miah both pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

In mitigation for Miah, Graham Rishton told the court Miah and Rohman were no longer friends because of the incident, and Miah had since turned his life around by getting married and having a child.

In mitigation for Rohman, Umar Shahzad told the court Rohman is currently in his third year at Manchester University studying bio-medical science, and plans to pursue his education further with a Master's degree.

Judge Richard Gioserano sentenced Rohman to 21 months in prison, and Miah to 16 months in prison, both suspended for 12 months.

He said: "You have both been waiting a long time for this sentencing, and a great deal of the length was not down to either of you.

"You have been waiting for longer than you should have and I can see it has been difficult for you.

"However it is frustrating that this case was so long ago, as if it had have been 2020 or even 2021, I would not at all have considered imposing a suspended sentence for you both.

"You were both 19 years old at the time, and you are now 23. I promise you that if you do not stay out of trouble, you will go to prison."