A serial criminal breached a criminal behaviour order by turning up at the social service offices in Blackburn

Blackburn magistrates heard Lance Cook shouted abuse and then punched a protective screen because of what he perceived as the department’s lack of interest in his problem.

Cook, 63, of Dunoon Drive, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to breach of a criminal behaviour order.

He was given an 18-week suspended prison term with a 30-day rehab activity requirement. He was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.

Henry Prescott, prosecuting, said Cook first went to the Duke Street offices at 1.15 pm asking about a complaint form. He was told they were now online and left.

“He returned an hour later and with a raised voice demanded a complaint form and made a derogatory comment about the staff,” said Mr Prescott. “He continued to shout and swear and when he was told the police had been called he punched the screen which separates staff from customers.”

Gareth Price, defending, said his client believed he had legitimate concerns about child welfare and no-one at children’s social services was listening to him.

“He took advice and was told to get a complaint form, which was what he wanted on the day of this incident,” said Mr Price. “He left having been told they were only available online and there would not have been a problem if he hadn’t returned and asked again. He was much more aggressive and while he didn’t go there intending to cause problems although he clearly did.”

Cook was jailed in 2022 and made subject to a three year criminal behaviour order, for repeatedly contacting emergency services, causing a massive drain on resources.

READ MORE: Jail term for Blackburn's serial '999' timewaster

Blackburn magistrates heard Cook had been making time wasting calls for more than eight years and had numerous previous convictions arising out of his behaviour.

The offences for which he was jailed in 2022, involved more than 100 calls, and had cost the ambulance service alone an estimated £15,000.

The police, fire and social services had also been put to “massive” inconvenience.