An investigation has found no issues with the care a former Lancashire detective, who was jailed in 2020 for sexually abusing two young girls, received before he died in prison.

Keith Harrison was labelled an “abhorrent” sexual predator by a judge, and someone who appeared to “see himself as a victim”, when he was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court to six years in prison.

Harrison, of Merchants House, Merchants Quay, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to six offences of sexual assault spanning six years, involving four counts against one girl and two against another.

At his sentence hearing in July 2020, the court was told how Harrison, then 79, repeatedly sexually assaulted one girl when she was aged between eight years and 11, and then turned his attention to another girl while she was nine and 10.

He would sexually molest them after starting with tickling games or massaging their back, which the judge described as “grooming”.

The girls had not wanted to tell the police but some years later after the older girl told a counsellor about her ordeal, he told the police.

Harrison died from a ruptured aorta on December 27, 2022, while still serving his sentence at HMP Liverpool. He was 81-years-old.

A report into his death published last week by the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman stated Harrison had a swelling in the aorta - the artery that carries blood from the heart to the abdomen, and had undergone surgery to try to repair the artery.

He regularly saw doctors who monitored the size of the aneurysm to check if it was at risk of rupturing.

In August 2022, a GP saw Harrison after he collapsed in his cell complaining of pain in his left arm.

Tests on his heart were normal but blood tests were not, and Harrison was taken to hospital.

The report stated: “On September 3, the hospital doctors had a multidisciplinary team meeting as they found that Mr Harrison’s aneurysm had grown.

“They agreed not to repair Mr Harrison’s artery, even if it ruptured, due to a poor prognosis.

“Mr Harrison was discharged from hospital the same day.”

Two and a half months later, on December 27, 2022, after vomiting on his bed, Harrison pressed his cell bell and complained of back pain to two healthcare workers.

At around 3.15pm he began having a seizure and an ambulance was called, which arrived at 3.35pm. At 3.45pm, Harrison’s heart stopped beating.

Paramedics started CPR, however this was unsuccessful and at 4.22pm, Harrison was confirmed to have died.

An inquest held in January 2023 recorded Harrison died of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm and concluded he died from natural causes.

READ MORE: Blackburn former police officer JAILED for sexually abusing two girls

The report went on: “The clinical reviewer concluded the clinical care Mr Harrison received at Liverpool was of a good standard and equivalent to that which he could have expected to receive in the community.  

“We found no non-clinical issues of concern. We make no recommendations.”

At the time of Harrison’s sentence, Detective Ifte Ali, from Blackburn Police, said: “I am pleased with today’s result and hope that now Harrison has been sentenced, the victims can start to move forward with their lives.

"I must commend the bravery they have shown in coming forward and recounting what happened to them.

“Harrison used to be a police officer, which makes what he did all the more abhorrent.

"He should have shown respect for the law and protected the most vulnerable. Instead, he took advantage of these victims for his own gratification.

“This case demonstrates our tireless approach when it comes to tackling those who commit sickening offences against children.

"We are determined to bring the perpetrators of abuse to justice, regardless of how long ago the abuse took place and when it is reported to us.

"If you have been subjected to sexual abuse, please come forward and speak to us; you will be listened to and supported.”