PROVIDERS of adult social care across Lancashire are in line for a £37million boost to ease inflationary pressures.

The extra cash for hard-pressed organisations will be debated by councillors on Thursday.

Lancashire County Council's cabinet is recommended to approve the proposals for an above inflation rise in funding for its adult social care suppliers across 12 boroughs including Hyndburn, Ribble Valley, Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale.

If approved the increased funds will go from the county council to 900 contracted providers of services including residential care, supported living, day care and home care.

Around 38,000 carers and adults are currently supported by county council-commissioned services at a cost of around £550million a year.

This proposed rise for 2024/25 is aimed at helping them cope with challenges like increased energy costs, the cost of living and staff recruitment and retention.

If approved, the fees from the council to around 400 council-commissioned care homes will go up benefitting around 4,800 people's placements.

This means all residential and nursing-based services would see their payments go up between 8.7 per cent and nine per cent from April.

Supported Living, which provides help and accommodation for working age adults with learning or physical disabilities to live independently, would see a rise of 11.3 per cent.

The council's five commissioned 'Extra Care' providers, which deliver housing with care, as well as eight sheltered housing ones would both get a rise of 9.1 per cent in county council funding.

More than 7,000 carers supported by the council would see their annual payments go up in line with inflation with those on a lower rate getting £321.73 and those on the higher rate £475.61.

Shared Lives carers - individuals based in their own homes who support adults with learning or physical disabilities or older people - will get an increase of 6.7 per cent while providers of daytime support, who cater for more than 1,200 adults, will get a fee increase of 8.7 per cent.

Meanwhile, people who manage their own care via 'Direct Payments' will see their weekly payments go up by 9.1 per cent, while short term care services like crisis care, reablement, and hospital aftercare will also see their payments rise by 9.1 per cent.

County council adult social care boss Cllr Graham Gooch said: "Our providers support some 38,000 adults in very challenging circumstances.

"We believe this proposed increase could really help them cope with challenges such as energy bills, staff retention and recruitment, the cost of living and other additional pressures.

"It goes without saying that it's absolutely essential to ensure people continue to get the social care support they need in what is currently a very challenging time for those in the care sector."

The proposed rises will cost around £37m.