For those thinking that the cost-of-living crisis might dampen the demand for high-end cars at Asian weddings, think again.

Families in some households may splurge out thousands for the big day. 

Traditionally, the wedding celebrations can last a week with two special days set aside.

The first day is a reception hosted by the bride’s family, which is followed by another celebration by the groom’s family. During the week, leading up to the big day itself, there are several events where families and friends will gather for Mendhi events.

Aroon Hussain, of One Stop Vehicle Solutions in Blackburn, has been supplying supercars for the big day for a number of years and says there has been a shift in what people want.

He said: “People still want to turn up in something different.

“We have been supplying all sorts of cars and if we can’t get it we will find someone else who can.

“What you have to understand is that people will save for years for the big day and the car is a real statement. Couples want to arrive in style.

“What I have found is that it is not the groom who makes the most demands for the cars but the bride. There is no point going all out on the venue and the outfit if you cannot arrive in style.

"I know many weddings will feature limousines but within our community, families are hiring out a whole fleet of supercars and high end vehicles to create a convoy."

Lancashire Telegraph:

Aroon said the cost-of-living crisis had had an effect on some families but not as much as expected.

“During lockdown nobody could hold a wedding and some couples realised you don’t need a huge wedding anymore.

“Following the lifting of restrictions there was a lot of pent up demand and we just couldn’t keep up. I think a lot of companies were like that.

“People still want that grand entrance and are willing to fork out thousands for a car just for one day. We have had Bugattis, Rolls Royces, Ferraris, Lamborghinis and limousines and are booked by the same families over two to three days.

“What we are finding now is that the bride and groom are holding one big event rather two. It is a way of sharing the huge costs.”

Lancashire Telegraph:

He did however warn about hiring from reputable companies.

He said: “We always suggest that people are chauffeur driven. It is far better for the guests.

“There are cases in the past where people end up not getting insured properly.

“Also, driving a supercar worth a couple of hundred thousand pounds is not something you can pick up in a day no matter how good you think you are.”

Lancashire Telegraph:

Lancashire Telegraph:

Some weddings can set back families up to £50,000 with hundreds of guests invited over the weekend.

Tariq Khan, whose brother is due to get married said the car mattered.

He said: “It is all about the entrance for the groom. On the first day the bride’s family will arrange the reception so the groom wants to make a big impression straight away.

“What people also have to understand is that the wider family always want to help out with the wedding so the groom may get presents and gifts from them."

Shazia, 26, is hoping to get married this year but has opted for something smaller.

“I think it is far more sensible to spend your money on a house deposit than on the wedding.

“We have opted for smaller wedding, so 300 guests and save the money for something else. I know other people are not like that. I know friends who spending upwards of £30,000. 

“With all the rising costs I don’t think that makes sense. Also, not everyone is into flash cars. Most of us just want a quiet wedding with family and friends.”