Footage of a store worker prodding a customer with a rake, encouraging them to leave the store is more than three years old, it has been confirmed. 

The incident happened at the B&Q Blackburn store on Nova Scotia Retail Park, off Bolton Road.

This week, the footage has been widely shared on WhatsApp, with concerned viewers calling it 'unacceptable behaviour' and asking for action to be taken. 

In the video a female staff worker can be seen the pushing the woman, who appears to be unsteady on her feet, with the garden tool through the aisles of a store.

The staff member attempts several times to keep the woman in a straight line and is soon joined as by another colleague who also has a rake. The woman, who is singing, is finally ushered towards the entrance area and out of the store.

It does not appear that the woman is hurt in any way.

A spokesperson for B&Q said the video was filmed during the Covid pandemic and was 'three years old' and the incident was dealt with as soon as it was brought their attention.