A prolific shoplifter has been banned from entering two stores, one of which she targeted repeatedly.

Blackburn magistrates heard Alice Moorhead was before the court for 10 shoplifting offences and nine of them had been committed at the Co-op on Whalley New Road, Wilpshire.

Moorhead, 38, of Douglas Place, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to 10 charges of shoplifting and one of possessing diazepam and admitted being in breach of post-sentence supervision requirements.

She was jailed for 24 weeks and made subject to a criminal behaviour order for two years which prohibits her from entering the Co-op and Tesco Express, also on Whalley New Road.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said all the offences had been committed while Moorhead was subject to post sentence supervision and the last five while she was on court bail.

“I regard this as a spree of offences which have had a real impact on retail outlets,” said District Judge Preston.

“It is made more serious by your record of shop theft which is considerable.

Glenn Anderton, prosecuting, said a statement made on behalf of the Co-op said Moorhead’s behaviour was making life a misery for staff as well as causing financial loss.

“Quite rightly they are asking for something to be done about it,” said Mr Anderton.

The court was told the post-sentence supervision followed a prison sentence imposed for six offences of shoplifting.

Gareth Price, defending, said his client’s issue was drug misuse.

“The question is whether it can be managed in the community,” said Mr Price. “I would hope she can still be helped by the probation service.”