Accrington Stanley Community Trust is seeking to add a new fenced mini-football pitch with floodlights to its Higham Playing Fields site.

It has applied for planning permission for the addition at the Thorneyholme Road complex.

Its submission to Hyndburn Council says: "The site is within the grounds of the Accrington Stanley Community Trust to the south east of the existing building.

"The site has been subject to planning applications for the creation of the new Accrington Stanley Community Trust building, subsequent extension and the the reorganisation of the pitches and playing fields.

"The land is currently unused space within the grounds of the sports hub due to a fire access path that had to be installed to comply with building regulations at the request of the local fire authority.

"Due to the nature of the path and having to keep the immediate area clear it has left the land in an un-useable state.

"Following a building regulations application for repositioning the fire access this proposal seeks to utilise the now available space.

"Current demand for pitches by local groups has meant there is now a need for a mini-football pitch which would fit within the now available space

"The pitch dimensions are 30metre by 20m with protruding six metre by two metre areas for space for goals and equipment storage during games such as cones, bibs, balls etc.

"The finalised design for the mini-football pitch will be determined by the specialist subcontractor.

"Large three metre wide double-door gates will be positioned to allow for a ride-on tractor to enter for maintenance.

"Additionally there will be four new floodlights positioned at each corner of the pitch.

"The pitch will largely be hidden from roadside view by the existing building and the tree lines surrounding the site.

"The application is in line with the planning policy which states proposals for improved sports, recreational and community facilities will be supported."