A primary school where pupils receive a 'warm welcome' each day has been praised by Ofsted.

Pendle View Primary School is based in Colne and caters for 131 pupils aged between two and 11 and retained its 'Outstanding' status.

The school is a community school for children who have special educational needs and disabilities.

The inspection at the end of November found pupils responded with ‘big smiles’ and say 'good morning' to each other as they join their friends in class. 

The report said: “This positive start to the day helps pupils to feel valued, well cared for and ready to learn. Pupils are happy in school and they have fun while they learn.

"They enjoy opportunities to use music and song in different activities. For example, pupils sing together during dance and physical movement lessons. Children in the Reception Year sing rhymes and play music while enjoying stories. 

“Pupils said that adults in school are kind to them and that they feel listened to. Every pupil is enabled to have a voice and to express their opinions and choices. The school has high expectations of all pupils.

"It works in close partnership with parents and carers and other professionals to ensure that all pupils achieve or exceed these expectations. 

“On occasion, pupils express their emotions through their behaviour. When this happens, staff know exactly what to do to support and help pupils.

"For instance, a pupil may need a quiet calm environment, a walk or some sensory support. This helps pupils to quickly settle back into learning.”

“Staff routinely check on what pupils know and understand. Staff do not move pupils on in their learning until they are ready for their next step.

"This ensures that pupils can apply their knowledge and skills fluently and in different contexts, so that they build on what they already know. 

“The school has an exciting and well-embedded culture of reading. From the Reception Year to Year 6, pupils are immersed in reading. Staff carefully select books to expand pupils’ imaginations and transport them to different cultures. Staff are highly trained. 

“This enables them to deliver the school’s phonics programme consistently. Children in the early years, and those at the early stage of learning to read, quickly gain the reading knowledge that they need to decode unfamiliar words.

"Staff also ensure that pupils understand what they read, for instance, by discussing the characters and the plot in stories.”

The school was praised for its efforts to ‘develop a strong understanding of different cultures’. 

The report added: “They are immersed in cultural and religious festivals through lesson activities, whole-school focused days and weekly celebrations. Parents are welcomed into school to celebrate with their children.

"Pupils relished the recent Eid celebration, where they dressed up, ate traditional meals, had henna body painting, danced and sang traditional songs.”