A man who repeatedly drove while over the alcohol limit and while disqualified was told he was a “menace” on the roads.

Blackburn magistrates heard Anthony Monaghan faced two sets of driving offences committed just a month apart.

Jailing him for 18 weeks District Judge Alexandra Preston said he had an “appalling” record for similar offences.

“Quite frankly you are a menace to the public,” said District Judge Preston

"My fear is that one day you will cause serious injury or even death if you continue to commit this kind of offence.”

Monaghan, 32, of Rothesay Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to unauthorised taking of a car, driving while disqualified, and driving while over the legal alcohol limit and without insurance on December 24.

He pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified, with excess alcohol and without insurance on January 24.

He was jailed for 18 weeks and banned from driving for 60 months.

Nicola Mills, prosecuting, said the first set of offences had been committed after Monaghan took a car belonging to a man who was putting him up.

On the second occasion he was stopped by police for speeding and initially gave a false name.

A computer finger print test showed his true identity and revealed he was wanted on a warrant for the first offences.

Aftab Bakhat, defending, said it was conceded that with his record and the two sets of offences the custodial threshold had been past.

“He would implore you to consider a sentence that does not involve immediate custody,” said Mr Bakhat.

“There have been changes in his life since he last appeared in court.

“He has got himself a job and is the breadwinner for his partner and his two step-children.”