A senior councillor has called on a local authority to start gritting back streets near schools to avoid a child being badly hurt or killed in an accident.

Conservative growth spokesperson Cllr Paul Marrow was alerted to the danger after the recent cold snap left the road outside a primary school in his ward dangerously slippery.

Livesey with Pleasington's Cllr Marrow raised the issue at Thursday night's Blackburn with Darwen Council Forum meeting with the authority's growth boss Cllr Quesir Mahmood.

He said: "I'm sure we all have primary schools in our wards that are not on a primary or secondary road and that aren't gritted.

"We have a school - Feniscowles Infants in Park Farm Road - where recently it was atrocious and it was slippery on the slope before it.

"And it does concern me that we are risking children's safety by not gritting these roads.

"Can look at making sure as a matter of safety that we do start looking at any school - junior, infants or secondary - that is not on a primary or secondary road to make sure it is gritted.

"Because when I asked about Park Farm Road I was told they didn't grit down there.

"I think it would be abhorrent for us if we had an accident where a child was actually killed because of a car slipping on the ice.

"I hope you'll carry that forward and look at it."

Deputy leader Cllr Quesir Mahmood said: "As you rightly say there are a significant amount of routes that we grit - primary and secondary routes are among them.

"Inevitably there are some schools that are in the heart of our communities that are not gritted.

"I've got one or two in my ward. It comes down to the fact that we haven't got the financial backing to actually grit every street.

"So we do work well with our schools and we do supply grit wherever can to make sure that they use their caretakers to make sure their paths etc are gritted.

"I know for a fact that in my ward that happens actively.

"But if that's not happening with that particular school do let me know and we'll get it looked at.

"But one thing I can't say is that all the school roads will be gritted because I don't have the finance to support that."

After the meeting, Cllr Marrow said: "I wasn't happy with the answer. We are talking about children's safety here. I don't want a serious accident to happen."