Two Blackburn businesses helping to keep their employees physically and mentally healthy thanks to a wellbeing programme.

Cummins Mellor, and Personnel Checks, both based in the town, signed up to the Business Health Matters programme from Active Lancashire last year, and after its success have committed to full annual health checks for every staff member.

Katie Mellor, managing director at Cummins Mellor, a recruitment agency based at One Cathedral Square, said: "For us, our companies are only as successful and healthy as the people within them and so we’re delighted to be pushing our health and wellbeing support further than ever before.

"Our Wellbeing team are doing a phenomenal job in innovating and championing the importance of good physical and mental health, so it is our job to make sure they have all the time, tools and support they need to keep doing this great work.

“Having had health checks ourselves the first time around, we wanted to bring Business Health Matters back in annually as we personally felt really comfortable during the checks and found them very useful.

"By offering them to staff every year, we’re confident the checks will give a welcoming and confidential space for our team members to set health and wellbeing goals that are appropriate to themselves as individuals.”

Hayley Kelly, a sales manager at Personnel Checks, added: "I’ve always had a passion for fitness so as soon as I started at the organisation, I volunteered to join the health and wellbeing team.

"It’s clear to see our work has a really positive impact and raises awareness on ways to improve overall health and fitness.

"I think this is because there is a strong commitment to genuinely help colleagues to feel better, as well as a culture where we welcome feedback from our colleagues on what they like and don’t like."

Louise Simper is part of the health and wellbeing team having completed the Business Health Matters' Workplace Health Champion training 12 months ago.

She added: “Thanks to the training I had in health, wellbeing and safeguarding, I feel like I’m able to practice what I preach in motivating those around me too, so that we all make positive changes to our physical and mental health.”

To find out more about Business Health Matters, visit its website.