Development of a listed building supported by £20m of Levelling Up funding has been approved.

Burton’s Chambers in Accrington town centre, opposite the town hall, is to go through a change of use to a new co-working office space.

The application went before Wednesday’s meeting of the Hyndburn Borough Council planning committee and covers external alterations and improvements to the building façade.

These include:

  • External alterations and repairs to the building façade, including the replacement of existing shop fronts at ground floor level with more contemporary shop fronts, and reinstatement of curved shop front at the corner
  • Formation of one consolidated entrance to the building at the northwest corner of the building to create a recognisable main entrance to Burton’s Chambers and contribute to creating an accessible and legible place
  • Installation of plant and screen to the rear and roof

Burton’s Chambers forms one large, three-storey block on Blackburn Road and originally accommodated Burton’s tailors on its eastern side ground floor and shops for letting on the western side.

Details on the council’s agenda for the meeting said: “In January 2023, Hyndburn Borough Council secured £20m Levelling Up finding from the Government, which with the wider match funding, will support three significant and exciting project in Accrington town square.

“This planning application is part of a suite of proposals for improvements in the town centre to be progressed over the next two to three years.

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“Whilst the proposed development would trigger change of use of the existing ground floor units, the majority of those existing units are subject to retail and financial and professional services which fall within Class E.

"The proposed use of the building as flexible office space is also within the Class E category.”

Cllr Mohammed Younis, portfolio holder for Levelling Up, said: "The approval of this planning application is a major milestone for this transformative project.

"It’s a testament to hard work and dedication of all those involved. Burton's Chambers is an integral part of our Levelling Up project for Accrington town centre and now that the planning application has been approved, we can look forward to the improvements to this building as part of the larger Levelling Up project."

A council conservation officer said the proposals were “welcomed” and “will enhance the locally listed building” and will enable it to offer a more positive contribution to the town centre.