A curry club has raised £1,716 in memory of one of its volunteers who died from cancer.
Blackburn’s Little Harwood Curry Club held the fundraiser and health awareness event for Safina Sawar, who died last year after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020.
More than 100 people attended the event, which was held at the Whalley Old Road venue, to celebrate the life of Safina, who played such a big part in the local community.

Safina had fundraised for Macmillan, as well as volunteering at the Curry Club and the Bangor Street Community Centre Disability Café in Blackburn.

She had been supported by the East Lancashire Hospice following her diagnosis.

Rabia Gulam Ismail, said: “Safina was very a special person who played such a big part in the local community. 

"She not only volunteered for so many local good causes, but she was a friend and mentor to so many and would always put other people before herself. 

"That’s why we wanted to do something special to celebrate her life and give something back, whilst also raising awareness of the help and support that’s available on our doorstep.”

Throughout the year the club has collected £1,000 for Macmillan, and raised a further £716 during the event to celebrate Safina’s life, which will help the charity support other people living with cancer.

During the day, guests enjoyed delicious food and also had the chance to speak to teams from Bowel and Breast Cancer Screening Services, Macmillan Cancer Support and other health information providers.

The award-winning Curry Club at Little Harwood Community Centre was set up in 2005 to support local people, and bring the community together, by giving them somewhere they could go to eat and meet new people.

Rabia added: “Safina had a great sense of humour and was so popular and really helped pull the community together.

"She would have been over the moon to see so many people here to celebrate her life, as well as helping to raise such a fantastic amount for a cause so close to her heart.

"The Curry Club is based on good food and people and allows everyone who joins to build vital friendships in the local area, to help combat social isolation, which was so important to Sabina.”
Anyone can join the Curry Club, which meets every Monday lunchtime, for just £3. For further information call 01254 681210 or 07794 318267 or email lhcurryclub1@gmail.com.