A Blackburn nursery were babies ‘beam with smiling faces’ has been praised by Ofsted.

Tudor House Day Nursery @ Mill Hill, based at New Chapel Street had been rated as ‘outstanding’ in 2018, however an inspection in June last year found it to be inadequate.

The nursery has 43 children on the roll.

In August, the nursery said they had been 'disappointed' with the rating and promised to make changes quickly.

Four months later the nursery has been rated ‘Good’ in all categories.

A report says since the last inspection, the manager and staff have ‘worked hard to bring about positive change’ and improve the outcomes for children. 

The report said: “The manager has improved the systems for risk assessments and staff training.

"The well-established key person system is a strength of this nursery. Children settle quickly and have strong bonds with the staff with whom they engage. 

“Babies beam with smiling faces as they interact with supportive and nurturing staff. Staff use key parts of the day, such as care routines, to form relationships with children through loving interactions.

"This helps children feel safe and secure in their environment. Staff enthusiastically engage children in a variety of experiences that support their learning. 

“They excitedly read stories, for example, which promotes children's positive attitudes to reading. Staff follow children's interests. Overall, this supports children's learning, particularly to develop their communication and language skills.

"For instance, staff use thought-provoking questions to help to develop children's understanding of how ice melts. Children are developing a curiosity to learn new things, and they make good progress.”

Lancashire Telegraph:

The report said the manager had addressed the actions raised at the last inspection. 

It says: “She has assessed the environment and has clear processes in place to minimise risks.

"This helps to ensure that the environment remains safe and secure for children. Additionally, all staff working with children under the age of two have undergone training to support babies. Babies' individual needs are met effectively. 

“The manager has devised a curriculum that focuses on the developmental needs of the children. During planned activities, staff successfully support children to achieve the intended learning outcomes. 

“The manager and staff prioritise children's communication and language development in this nursery. Staff create a social environment through regular engagement with the children.

"Children are developing their back-and-forth conversational skills. Stories and songs can be heard throughout the nursery, and children sing their favourite songs as they play. Children are progressing in their early communication skills.”

There was particular praise for safeguarding at the nursery, with the report adding: “The nursery management team has robust systems in place to assess the suitability of individuals working with children. New staff undertake mandatory training before starting their role. 

"This helps to ensure they are clear on how to safeguard children before they start working with them. 

"The manager and staff have a good knowledge and understanding of child protection policy and procedures. They are clear of the processes to follow should they have a concern about the welfare of a child. This helps to keep children safe.”