A drunk thug who had “taken some smack” urinated in his partner’s bed and spat on her floor, before launching into a vile assault in which he kicked, punched and stamped on her.

When police arrived, Adam Barrass put one of the officers in a headlock and threatened to throw them out of the window, Preston Crown Court heard.

Barrass, 31, had been in a relationship with his victim for only a few months, and on December 9, 2023, they went drinking together before returning to the woman’s address in Accrington.

Prosecuting, Richard Flook told the court that Barrass’ victim went to bed but woke at around 8pm to find that Barras was no longer in the property.

He said: “She went back to sleep but was woken again at around midnight to a loud banging.

“It was the defendant, and he was intoxicated, and he told her that he had ‘taken some smack’.

“They got in bed together, but the defendant got up several times in the night to be sick.

“On the morning of December 10, the woman woke to find Barrass urinating in the bed.

“She told him to stop it, but he told her to ‘f*** off’ and continued urinating.

“He then spat on the floor and called her a ‘scruffy cow’ and other names.”

Mr Flook said Barrass’ victim told him she “was going to have to do something she didn’t want to do”, which Barrass took as meaning she was going to call the police.

He went on: “He started punching, kicking and stamping on his victim.

“He was wearing clothes and trainers at the time.

“He also tried to drag her down the stairs and continued punching and kicking her to the face causing a cut to her chin.

“She managed to grab her phone, escape outside and call the police.

“She said she was scared and didn’t think he was going to stop.”

The court heard that when the police arrived they found Barrass hiding under a duvet in the bedroom and as they attempted to detain him he threatened one officer, saying, “I will throw you out the window”.

Mr Flook said pepper spray was deployed but it didn’t deter Barrass, who grabbed one of the officers in a headlock before being taken to the floor by a number of the officer’s colleagues.

Barrass, formerly of Fountain Street but now of an address in Clayton-le-Moors, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm and assault of an emergency worker.

He has 25 convictions for 65 previous offences, including affray, actual bodily harm and common assault.

He committed the offences on December 10 while on licence, after receiving an eight-week prison sentence in October last year for theft and breach of a criminal behaviour order.

Defending, Julian Goode said Barrass suffered from significant mental health issues including ADHD, Asperger's and depression, which often cause impulsivity with his behaviour.

He told the court his client was a “long-standing user of crack cocaine” and has “difficulties with alcohol consumption,” and was remorseful about his actions.

Sentencing Barrass, Judge Ian Unsworth said: “Anyone viewing the photos of your victim’s injuries would be shocked.

“Your behaviour was outrageous and out of control.

“Your mitigation is limited and your remorse I find limited and delayed, and I take a somewhat cynical approach to that.

“I do not think your mental health had anything to do with your actions on that night.”

Barrass was jailed for two years and handed an indefinite restraining order in respect of his victim.