A drunk, pregnant woman burgled a man in his 70s, stole his car and then threatened an off duty police officer during a crime rampage last Spring.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Donna Keys, 35, had knocked on her victim's door in Briercliffe Road on Saturday, April 8.

The victim, Douglas Rose, 76, lives alone after his wife moved into a care home many years ago.

At 6pm, Keys, of Kime Street, Burnley, had asked him: "Where is she?" to which he told her his wife was in care and he now lived alone.

Mr Rose then locked the door and put his house and car keys on the side in his kitchen.

Later, while he was waiting for the kettle to boil, Keys entered his house through the back door and took the car keys, stealing his Ford Eco Sport worth £21,000.

Prosecuting, Rachel Oakdene told the court that 45 minutes after Keys had stolen the car, she crashed into a BMW belonging to off-duty police officer Emma Hall.

PC Hall detained Keys as she had smelled strongly of alcohol, to which Keys told her, "I am pregnant and I have a knife," all the while her hand remained inside a black plastic bag.

She also told PC Hall and other bystanders, "I am going to stab you all".

Fearing for her life, PC Hall let go of Keys whilst a bystander took her picture, that was later used to identify her by the police.

When arrested, Keys denied it was her and blamed someone else, and then resorted to answering “no comment” in police interview. 

PC Hall's car was written off by the crash and she had to pay £2,500 in damages.

In a victim personal statement, Mr Rose told the court: "I had to walk to the care home to see my wife as she had stolen my car.

"I have COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) so this was extra hard, as I had to keep stopping several times for breaks. My life was restricted.

"My mental health and financial circumstances suffered as I still had to pay the finance and insurance for the car even though it had been stolen.

"I worry the offender will not get enough punishment and will only get a slap on the wrist. My home still feels unsafe." 

In mitigation, Kristian Cavanagh told the court Keys had been addicted to drugs for many years, and she understood she needed to go to prison to get better.

He said: "Ms Keys is working on herself and is taking small amounts of methadone to get over her drug addiction. 

"Her mother is present in court today and wants to see her get the help she needs."

Keys has 22 convictions for 26 previous offences, some of which include theft and shoplifting.

Judge Daniel Prowse told the court he believed the knocking and questioning from Keys was a distraction tactic.

He said: "Your victim was vulnerable. You have heard the impact on the complainant and it has been significant.

"And if you had actually had a knife, your sentencing today would have been a lot more serious.

"If you do not try to curb your drug addiction, you will be here in court again or worse, dead."

Keys pleaded guilty to burglary of a dwelling and theft of a vehicle.

She was sentenced to 26 months in prison and was disqualified from driving for 18 months upon release.