Two community groups in Hyndburn had some extra Christmas cheer thanks to the special budget of the borough council leader.

A £700 grant paid for festive meals and a Christmas party at Earnest Street Baptist Church and Kirk House, both in Church, respectively, last month.

The money was secured from Hyndburn Council leader Cllr Marlene Haworth's special fund by Tory ward councillors Loraine Cox and Sajid Mahmood.

They, along with council deputy leader Cllr Steven Smithson and Hyndburn MP Sara Britcliffe, visited the Free Community Cafe located in Ernest Street Baptist Church to present the group with a £500 cheque.

The Cafe offers a warm safe place for all residents every Wednesday offering a free hot meal, and the grant will help assist the volunteers to continue to run the cafe every week.

Cllrs Mahmood and Cox then attended Kirk House, Church, to present a cheque of £200 to help towards its annual Christmas Party.

The leaders budget is a £20,000 pot of funding that can be used at the discretion of Cllr Haworth to support local groups.

Cllrs Mahmood and Cox said: "It is really important we recognise the organisations in our communities who provide a brilliant service to residents.

“Visiting both Earnest Street Church and Kirk House it was clear how important it is that residents are able to come together and celebrate Christmas, supporting those who might be otherwise isolated or struggling to get by.

“If we can give a bit back through funding and support then we will do, and we are pleased we have been able to make a difference.”