A group has raised more than £2,000 for charity after trekking up and down Darwen Tower 10 times while downing 10 pints.

Ethan Dean, Rhys Lewis, Connor Kennedy, Kieran Bradshaw, Jake Higham, and Jacob Smith set out to raise money for Nightsafe, the charity which supports the homeless by completing their ‘10 up, 10 down, and 10 rounds’ trek.

They set off two days before Christmas and marched the 1,740ft up to Darwen Tower, now known as Jubilee Tower. On the return on each leg they stopped off at for a pint at the Sunnyhurst Pub. 

The team repeated this 10 times and by the end of the day had walked an incredible 17,000 feet. They raised £2,170 in the process.

One of the craziest charity challenges ever concocted inspired people from across the town who turned out to cheer the super six on.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Ethan said: “It took eight hours to complete the whole challenge but we all managed to finish strongly.

"We started at 9am and finished at 5pm. So we did the tenth one in the dark with help of the torches. The ninth time was the hardest one, but by the tenth we were fuelled by adrenaline.

“There were great numbers of support in the pub throughout the eventful day.

"Each leg, different family and friends people joined us for the walk.

“So far, we have raised over £2,170 for this worthy cause. The donation link remains open for any last minute contributions

“We want to say thanks to our friends at B2B Workwear and Janitorial Limited in Bolton who kindly provided t-shirts to support our efforts."

He added: "We’re planning on carrying on the tradition next year, and doing it again, so any new challengers are welcome."

Lancashire Telegraph:

Ethan said it started off a joke and things just ‘snowballed’.

Speaking before the challenge, he said: “A lot of people are saying it is a crazy idea and cannot be done.

“We are all quite active and think we should be able to complete it in good time.
“I live near to the tower, so I am regularly making the trip.”

Nightsafe supports homeless young people aged between 16-24, through its day centre, emergency Night Shelter and four supported housing projects.

You can still donate to the team by clicking here