RIBBLE Valley MP Nigel Evans has urged people to donate to the appeal to raise the money to save Waddow Hall.

The national Girlguiding association has now put the site near Clitheroe officially up for sale along with its other four outdoor activity centres.

The 17th Century manor house and estate has been managed by Girlguiding since 1927, with many thousands of girls and young people having used it.

Now Mr Evans is asking local people to give money to the The Waddow Hall Trust.

The aim of the volunteer-run charity is to raise the funds necessary to purchase and continue to operate Waddow as an outdoor activity centre, with a greater emphasis on it’s heritage and importance to the local area and community.

The trust has secures Asset of Community Value Status for the majority of the estate from the local authority meaning they have six months from October 16 to raise the purchase price of £3.25million.

Mr Evans said: “Waddow Hall is an incredible establishment.

"Having visited myself I have witnessed first hand the wonderful opportunities they offer to young people and others.

"Though it is terribly sad to have seen Girlguiding give up on the site, I have been hugely impressed by the speed and organisation of the newly established Waddow Hall Trust.

"I have absolute confidence in them and I would urge everyone who cares about their community to look into their plans and give generously to their campaign.

“Individuals can donate directly on their webpage and if any businesses or larger organisations are interested in getting involved or taking on a sponsorship, please do reach out to me or contact the Waddow Hall Trust directly.”

Janet Taylor, chair of trustees at The Waddow Hall Trust said: “We can, and will, bring the Waddow estate to the community.

"We are strong, determined and capable.

"Support us and make this happen - together we can achieve anything.”

Mr Evans has also recently backed the trust’s bid for grant funding from the government’s Community Ownership Fund which could make available up to £2m towards the purchase.