A teenager who assaulted a man in his own home over some “dodgy pink pills” before stealing his Xbox and medication will be released from jail imminently despite being handed an 11-month sentence.

Jake Blenkinsop, who was 18 at the time of the incident in June, was sent to youth custody for 11 months on Thursday by Judge Guy Mathieson.

However, because the now 19-year-old has already spent six months on remand, the equivalent of a 12-month custodial sentence, Judge Mathieson said he expected Blenkinsop to be released immediately.

Preston Crown Court heard how on June 17 at around 6am, Blenkinsop, who had become involved with drugs, along with two other men, Zachary Kirkbride and Riley Whitfield, attended the home of their victim and barged into his living room.

Prosecuting, Eddy Steele told the court: “Blenkinsop kicked his victim in the face and then picked up various items and began hitting him with them.

“He hit him with a computer chair, a tabletop and a weightlifting bar which struck him next to his right eye.

“He then threatened to pour hot water on him and was shouting, ‘you think I am stopping, you f***ing spiked me with those pink pills. I don’t care if you’re an invalid, I will kill you’.”

Mr Steele said that neither Kirkbride nor Whitfield were involved in the assault but none of them made any attempt to stop Blenkinsop, with one of the men demanding money from the victim.

The court was told a friend of the victim who was also present, ran from the property and called the police.

Mr Steele went on: “The assault continued for around 30 minutes until police sirens became apparent.

“It was then that all three ran from the flat.

“After the men had gone, the victim noticed items had been stolen including his medication, cash, his wallet, bank cards, a laptop and his Xbox.

“His computer monitors, and his TV had also been smashed.”

Kirkbride was arrested later that morning with Blenkinsop arrested not long after.

Defending Blenkinsop, who has no previous convictions, Mark Stuart said his client had got himself addicted to drugs and was “going nowhere with the wrong sort of people”.

He said: “He was addicted to drugs and it would seem there was a dispute about some pills he’d been given but it doesn’t justify what he did.

“He is appalled by his behaviour and doesn’t make any excuse for it.

“The six months he’s spent inside, for an 18-year-old to lose his liberty, it could have had one of two effects – none at all or a considerable effect, and it’s had a considerable effect on him.

“Being arrested was a blessing in disguise as it stopped him using drugs.”

Blenkinsop, of Birtwistle Avene, Colne, pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding and theft from a person.

Judge Mathieson said: “I have conflicting interests here. I am supposed to sentence you in accordance with the law and I’m supposed to be cold hearted, but I am also a person with two young lads and when I look at someone like you, I am reminded of them.

“Whatever perception you have of your victim wronging you is clouded in your memory, and what you did to him was quite appalling.

“I don’t know the context, but I suspect the other two men stoked your anger and enjoyed watching you carry out the attack.

“That’s one side of it. Then I look at you and read what you have put in this letter, and I despair that you are in this position, as an 18/19 -year-old, your life just beginning, and you almost stopped it in its tracks.

“The most important thing I have to think about is how to stop you offending, how does society benefit from you not doing this again?

“From what Mr Stuart said you have effectively served a 12-month sentence. You have impressed probation and you have also impressed me, but that does not excuse what you have done for a minute.

“I sentence you to 11 months in a young offenders institute which means you will be immediately released.”