Police have been out on roads in Lancashire as the crackdown on drink and drug driving during the festive period continues.

More than 630 vehicles have been stopped by officers across Lancashire since Friday, December 1.

One of the stops included a takeaway driver, whose car was seized after it was discovered that he did not have the correct insurance.

To make sure the customer did not miss out on their food, an officer from the Lancashire Roads Policing Unit delivered the food to them instead.

A Lancashire Police spokesperson said: “One of our officers made sure a householder didn’t miss out on a tasty takeaway.

“A delivery driver was on his way to drop off the food when he was stopped and found to not have the correct insurance - that led to the vehicle being seized.

“We didn’t want the customer to go hungry, with the takeaway delivered instead by an officer from the Roads Policing Unit.”

Since the start of December, police have made 48 arrests in total for impaired driving offences including driving with excess alcohol and excess drugs.

Of them, 20 were for driving with excess alcohol, 13 for driving with excess drugs, 10 for driving when unfit through drinks/drugs, two for failing to provide a breath test, two for being in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink/drugs and one for being in charge with excess alcohol.

A driver who was breathalysed following a road traffic collision, blew 96 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath at the roadside and 122mcg in custody, nearly three-and-a-half times the legal limit of 35mcg per 100ml of breath.

Another blew 110mcg at the roadside and 117mcg in custody, also more than three times the limit, while a road rage incident in Chorley landed a motorist in the cells after he blew 88mcg, more than double the drink drive limit.

In Rossendale, officers from stopped a driver who gave a reading of 102mcg, almost three times over the limit.

One driver chose to try and speed away from officers, leading to a high-risk pursuit. He was arrested for dangerous driving, failing to stop and driving while unfit through drink and drugs.

If you are requested to stop at a checkpoint, police are encouraging you to do so. A driver who failed to stop is currently being sought.

A Lancashire Police spokesperson said: “We want to make sure that people driving home for Christmas arrive safely, so it’s been a busy start to our festive crackdown on drink and drug driving.

“All year round we look out for those drivers who get behind the wheel when intoxicated, and as Christmas gets closer, we have intensified our activity against those who flout the law and put other road users in danger.”