Police across the county are reaching out to victims of domestic abuse as part of their #NoExcuseForAbuse campaign.

The campaign, which first ran in 2020, aims to raise awareness of the different types of domestic abuse that occur in Lancashire and encourage both victims and those who might witness worrying behaviour to seek the support they need, be it with the police force, health services or local charities. 

Recorded domestic abuse related crimes in Lancashire had shown a steady increase since 2015, however in most recent years these crimes decreased 1.2 per cent between 2021 and 2022. 

In the last 10 months (January to October 2023) domestic abuse related crimes have fallen a further 10 per cent, when compared to the previous period. 

Detective Chief Superintendent and Head of Vulnerability and Public Protection, Nick Connaughton said: “There is a zero-tolerance policy for any form of domestic abuse in Lancashire, be that physical, sexual, financial or emotional.

"There are many organisations and charities who can support victims of domestic abuse, most of which can be found on our website noexcuseforabuse.co.uk.

"At Lancashire Constabulary, we are committed to keeping people safe and protecting those who need us most and there is absolutely no excuse for abuse in our county.

"I urge anyone who is worried about someone they know to report their concerns online at lancashire.police.uk/reportcrime or by calling 101 or, if someone is at risk of immediate harm, dialling 999.”

Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner, Andrew Snowden, added: "Any form of abuse is completely unacceptable and it’s an issue we take very seriously here in Lancashire.

"Tackling domestic abuse is priority in my Police and Crime Plan and I wholeheartedly support the Constabulary's operational activity to target offenders and to keep Lancashire residents safe from harm.

"I have also secured over £7 million to enhance domestic abuse and sexual violence services in the county. Commissioning support for victims is a key part of my role and I have ensured that anyone affected by domestic in Lancashire has access to dedicated, specialist support.

"I would urge anyone in need of support to visit the campaign website to access expert help and advice."

The campaign also aims to raise awareness of the signs of domestic abuse, and how the abuse can manifest itself within various relationship types, abuse types and within any age group.

For example, domestic abuse does not just happen within intimate partner relationships. 

It can be seen within any relationship types in which the people involved are ‘personally connected’, such as intimate partners, ex-partners, family members or individuals who share parental responsibility for a child.

Domestic abuse could be financial, physical, sexual or emotional. 

Coercive control is also a type of domestic abuse, which often isolates victims from friends and family, removing or reducing their independence and having their daily behaviour managed by an abuser. 

#NoExcuseForAbuse is supported by more than 30 local charities, councils, healthcare services and partners. It helped to create a well-connected system of support for victims and those seeking advice, which is still just as strong today. 

If you are worried about a loved one, or yourself, and think they may be at risk of abuse you can visit the website www.noexcuseforabuse.co.uk for more information.