A remarkable centenarian whose life has spanned the reigns of five British monarchs celebrated her 107th birthday this week.

Edna Walmsley is a Pendle Brook Care Home resident who spent her birthday on October 9 with her family. The care home held a family party and afternoon tea on the Monday which was joined by the Hyndburn Mayor cllr Terry Hurn.

A former school cook, who has an amazing memory enjoyed yoga into her late 90s spent her whole life in Great Harwood until she moved into the care home only two and a half years ago.

The great grandmother was born Edna Dobson in 1916 and was married at St Bartholomew's church to Clifford Walmsley.

Lancashire Telegraph: Cllr Terry Hurn with Edna at the afternoon tea partyCllr Terry Hurn with Edna at the afternoon tea party (Image: Pendle Brook)

Her life has encompassed the reigns of five British monarchs, during which she has witnessed significant historical events such as two world wars, the flu pandemic of 1919, and most recently, the Covid-19 pandemic.

Edna loved Great Harwood, where she raised her three children—Andrew, Adrienne, and Alyson. She took great pleasure in her role as a school cook and balanced it with her responsibilities in bringing up her family.

Her passion has always been for reading, especially poetry, reflecting an enduring love for language. For years she spent many hours completing the Daily Telegraph crossword.

Despite her disbelief in being 107 years old, Edna attributes her longevity to “good living, a healthy diet, her wonderful parents, and the incredible support” she has received from her family and friends.

Pendle Brook's activity coordinator Claire Rothwell said: "She has an amazing long-term memory and is able to recite word-for-word poetry which she learned at school."

Edna has also enjoyed travelling across the world, visiting Vienna and Dusseldorf and even travelled to India by herself.

She has three grandsons, Christopher, Stephen and Nicholas and four great-grandchildren, Fred, Alice, Jack and Finn.

At the party with family and friends Edna opened her cards and presents and enjoyed a delicious birthday cake as she was toasted with champagne. Claire said: "She has a keen eye and sense of humour and is an absolute pleasure to be with."