A woman driving at nearly double the speed limit told police she had suffered a nose bleed and was distracted.

Blackburn magistrates heard there was a one- year-old child in the back of the car at the time. 

Jemma Louise Riley, 42, of Coal Hey Street, Haslingden, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified and without due care and attention. She was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 20 days rehabilitation activity requirement. She was banned from driving for 12 months, fined £120 and ordered to pay £85 costs and £114 victim surcharge.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said Riley had been driving while suffering a nose bleed and was clearly not paying proper attention to the road.

"In that situation you do not speed, particularly when you are carrying a small child," said District Judge Preston. "You should have stopped and sorted out your problem. You put yourself, the child and other road users at risk."

Susheela Regala, prosecuting, said police spotted car driven by the defendant doing about 55 mph in a 30 mph limit of Manchester Road, Haslingden.

"When they asked her why she was speeding she said she had a nose bleed and was distracted," said Miss Regala.