Police seized a car from a food delivery driver after she was caught without insurance.

Last night (Friday), officers on patrol in Bacup town centre pulled over a vehicle as they discovered the driver was making deliveries without a valid insurance certificate.

The woman claimed she believed she had insurance but officers told her it was ‘incorrect to assume’ and her car was seized.

Officers were in the area after receiving reports of anti-social behaviour increasing in Bacup so also spoke to youths and visited licenced premises in the town.

A spokesperson for police said: “Officers from Rossendale NPT, East Engage team and officers from Lancashire Special Constabulary were on patrol in Bacup town centre following reports of the increase in ASB in the town.

“Whilst there we engaged with numerous youths and visited licensed premises in the town.

“During the tour it became apparent that a female was using a vehicle to deliver food on numerous occasions which she didn't have a valid insurance certificate in place to do, once stopped it transpired that the female believed she had insurance to do this on another policy.

“This was incorrect to assume and her vehicle was seized.”